• American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
  • ACTFL Proficiency Model of World Language Instruction
  • Daily Spanish Instruction, Nest through Middle School
  • Conversation Cafes
  • International Language Immersion Trips



Rooted in best practices as championed by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), our Spanish program embraces a proficiency-model of world language instruction. Gone are the days of memorizing and regurgitating verb conjugations and being chastised for words we do not know. Instead, we embrace ACTFL’s advocacy of “can do” statements. Emerging linguists are encouraged to embrace all that they do know and to communicate confidently as a result. The five proficiencies of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and culture are all emphasized within a joyful learning environment that celebrates the gift of other cultures and languages.

Daily exposure to Spanish is another ACTFL best practice that we enthusiastically provide our students, Nest through middle school, ensuring a steady stream of Spanish learning that transcends the entirety of our academic program.